Get in touch!

Call us
(65) 6775 8071

Visit us
302 Pasir Panjang Rd, Singapore 118643
Getting there
Nearest MRT station: Haw Par Villa
Take a bus from the bus stop “Opp Haw Par Villa Stn”
(Stop ID: 16011).
Alight 2 stops later at the bus stop “Opp S’pore Science Pk II” (Stop ID: 16031) and cross the road.
Bus Services: 10, 30, 51, 143, 188, 200
Contact Us
*Offering is the privilege and responsibility of our members to partner in God’s kingdom-building work!
If you would like to partner us in financial giving, you can do so via the following methods:

Internet banking transfer
Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited, Account Number 552 007 874 001
Use this QR code or this UEN: S64SS0035D
Pay To “Pasir Panjang Christ Church“.
Mail to: 302 Pasir Panjang Road, Singapore 118643.
All these modes of offering collected will go to the church general fund (no specific instructions for allocation, please). Please ensure that you check the amount before your e-offering is made as you will not be able to get a refund.
*Visitors are not obliged to give.
Mandarin Worship Service
Every Sunday, 8.30am
English Worship Service
Every Sunday, 10.30am (livestreamed)