Our Beliefs
- We believe that there is one God, omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient and eternally existing in three Persons: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit – the Creator of the universe and mankind.
- We believe that the Bible is the inspired, infallible and authoritative Word of God.
- We believe that Man was created in the likeness and image of God, but as a result of sin is lost.
- We believe that the only hope for us is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, the virgin-born Son of God, who died to take upon Himself the punishment of our sins, rose again from the dead, ascended into heaven so that by receiving Him as Saviour, we are redeemed by His blood.
- We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ will return in person to earth in power and glory.
- We believe that the Holy Spirit indwells those who have received the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour, so as to enable them to live godly lives.
- We believe that the Church, composed of all who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, is commissioned to teach and to preach the Gospel to all nations.
Our Services
English Worship Service
Sundays: 10.30am (livestreamed)
PPCC Sanctuary
Mandarin Worship Service
Sundays: 8.30am (livestreamed)
PPCC Sanctuary
Our Staff
The Gospel
At the very heart of the Christian faith lies the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Here are 5 big truths that will help us understand what the gospel is all about!
1. Creation
The first pages of the Bible (God’s Word) tell us that God created the universe. When we observe the vast expanse of outer space, the millions of beautiful animals on earth, the laws of nature, we can’t help but recognise that there must be an intelligent Creator who fashioned this amazing universe. We, humans, were made by God to care for our world and enjoy all of its goodness, including a relationship with God himself.
2. Curse
But the world we live in today is a far cry from the perfect creation God intended it to be. The Bible asserts that our fundamental problem is sin (the rejection of our Creator’s authority over our lives). Although God lovingly created us and gave us everything that we need to enjoy life, we choose to reject Him and live life our own way. It doesn’t take much to see that we live in a ‘cursed’ world – suffering, broken relationships, and negative emotions are part of the everyday human experience. The result of our rebellion and broken relationship with God is that we end up hurting ourselves and hurting others.
3. Condemnation
True justice requires that wrong is punished. God, who by nature is Just, like a judge in the courtroom, must execute justice. Imagine a child who lives off his parents and depends on them, but does not want a relationship with them. This is what we do to God in our rebellion, but to a much greater extent. He takes our rebellion seriously and our fairly deserved judgement is condemnation. It is tragic and scary to be cut off from God. Since God is the source of life, being cut off from Him means certain death – condemnation in hell forever for our rebellion.
4. Christ
The good news of Christianity is that this is not the end of the story! While God is absolutely fair to condemn us, God did not abandon us to suffer the consequences. God’s character requires true justice, but he is also a God of mercy and love. His solution to humanity’s rejection was to send His own son, Jesus Christ, to take the punishment for humanity. A sinful man could never take the punishment on behalf of other sinful people. Jesus Christ was the perfect man who never sinned, and never rebelled against God, making him the only one who could take humanity’s place. In his love, Jesus Christ bore the weight of God’s judgement through His death on the cross, for undeserving sinners. After 3 days, Christ rose again from the dead, proclaiming to the world that God accepted His death as a sacrifice for our sins. Now, with sins paid and the curse reversed, humanity can once again have a relationship with God!
5. Choice
All of this leaves us with a choice. If we choose to continue in our rebellion, we will continue to suffer the consequences of being separated from God in this life and for all eternity.
But if we own up to the truth that we are sinners, trust in what Jesus Christ achieved for us on the cross, and confess that He is the ruler of our life, then everything changes! We will be brought back into a loving relationship with God! The Bible tells us that for all who have placed their trust in Jesus Christ, God gives us eternal life and adopts us as His children. We don’t have to work our way back into God’s heart to win His favour – the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ has achieved that for us!
These are 5 big truths about the Christian gospel. If you still have questions about the gospel such as these:
“Was Jesus a real person?”
“What does it mean that Jesus died as a substitute in our place?”
“Did Jesus really rise from the dead?”
Please feel free to contact us, we will be happy to answer your questions!
Don’t pass up this chance to receive God’s offer of eternal life!